You've heard of Taxi Cab Confessions, well this is my Closet Confession.
Welcome to My Cathedral.
What's the problem with this Fashionista's paradise? I've run out of room and I feel like I have the lead in "Sophie's Choice" and need to choose which of my children to go!
Time for spring cleaning.
I have always lived by the cardinal rule you can never have enough accessories. If you know me, I don't skimp or buy junk, I can't do it. I constantly think about what a waste of money it is, and I always end up not loving it, donating it or worse, throwing it out. I'd rather wait, save my pennies and splurge on the classics. I also have no problems spending money on haircuts or facial products because those are the two fashion items I am stuck with for the rest of my life, wear everyday and I they cannot be replaced.
Before I go further, contrary to popular belief, I am not, and I repeat, am NOT a shopaholic or addicted to shopping. I'm too poor to be a shopaholic. There is no amount of credit that could afford this supposed "shopping" addiction title I've been branded with. I won't lie, I adore fashion, I love window shopping, I can spend endless hours thumbing through glossies, adding tear sheets to my style binder and my wants to my wish board. When I spot something I must have, I save up and creatively figure out a way to grab it before it sells out! Also, it cannot be ignored that for the last 12 years of my life I've been employed as a professional shopper. I am paid to know the latest rage and fashion trends.
Clothes on the other hand are another story. I have a very keen (i.e. expensive) eye for the classics. It's pretty simple, I refuse to spend a ton of money on trendy pieces. I have this exceptional radar where I can peruse a whole store and automatically zone in on *the* perfect classic item with laser beams zooming out of my peeps. Then, "viola!" Just what I figured, out of every piece, without even knowing who the designer is, without fail, I hone in on the most expensive piece possible only to have my heart broken that I now have "another" thing to save for and add to my board.
While some say this is a curse, I think it's a blessing because my instincts have never been wrong, I never question it, and my closet is filled with timeless classic pieces and silhouettes that will withstand the test of time. Perfect example: Gladiator Sandals. I hate them. But I recognize they are in style right now. This is a piece you cannot go and buy a cheap pair. They are on every runway that you'll be able to spot the imitations a mile away. That being said, I don't care how "in" they are at the moment, but I would never go and spend a lot of money on a pair. So I'm taking my money elsewhere. I'll invest a little more and buy a great pair of strappy metallic sandals that will not only stand out amongst EVERYONE else and their mother donning the gladiator gear, but I'll be able to wear these treats for the next few years until they are so old they are falling apart!
Time to get back on track... What goes and what stays?
Keep one, toss two!
Do I... wear it?
Do I... love it?
Does it fit?
The "What ifs...?"
So why do I have so much guilt hanging on to some of my junk collection? The "mistake" purchases. It's the nagging, "What ifs...?" What if... I gain weigh? Loose weight? Get pregnant? Or the WORST... What if it comes back in style????? Then I start with the scenarios... dear Lord, please help me: "What if I have a 'wedding' in 'New York City' in 'December'?" C'mon, Nicole!!!!! Or, "I *could* have a business meeting in San Fran in October." I can't believe I'm so married to these single pieces that I'm willing to hold on to my non-classics for the chance that "something" may happen! What's worse, is these pieces are trendy fashion pieces. Meaning, they are good for one season. If I still keep them past the six-month mark, or even in to the following season, I'm bound to act like a mom who is still thinks it's OK to wear long preppy skirts with wigwam socks and penny loafers!
Since fashion is all about creating a story, the less money your "it" piece is the more money it's going to take you to make it look like a million. You need to make sure you add all the bells & whistles. But that tried and true LBD hanging in your closet can be dressed up, dressed down, for work, dinner or out on the town. Change your earrings and necklace and it's just as wonderful as that crisp clean white button-down I always gush about.
So where did I go wrong? Just because something still fits and I looked good in it once doesn't mean I should keep it. Please grant me the strength to get through this project and not hold on to things for sentimental (or made up sentimental) reasons.
One day soon I too will have a chandelier hanging in the middle of my closet, but until then, here are some of the ones I dream of at night when I lay my head down on my soft pillow. Zzzzzzzzzz.
We know what's HOT, We ignore what's NOT, We know what's IT and we made THE LIST. We chose the merchandise that creates the BUZZ. To purchase merchandise or for more information, please contact:
Twitter: LaDolceSwag
Twitter: LaDolceSwag
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